Thursday, December 14, 2006

Editorial: Feedback 2006

RPG Theory Review has been running for over a year. Soon, we'll be doing a series of posts for our Yearly Review of RPG Theory. In the mean time, I think it is past time to ask readers what they would like to see in the coming year.

What do you like or dislike? Do you want more interaction, lessons, or editorials? Or possibly fewer?

What do you feel would make this a more useful resource to the community of people who want to better understand how we play RPGs, and how to make that play better?

I look forward to ideas, even just confirmations of what we're already doing. After all, this site will only serve you better if you let us know how.


  1. Some "Trend Spotting", where you post on bigger picture stuff, and look at recent/existing trends, and not necessarily specific discussions.

  2. Heya,

    Another thing that might be an interesting theory exericise is to pull something out of the defunct RPG Theory forum at the Forge and ask, "What is our perception of this now?"



  3. Watching the academic world for developments on RPG theory would make the blog a lot more useful.

    -Tommi Brander

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. There's this livejournal who does it, assuming it is not you.

    If it is you, then there's nothing better, and I don't see how an outsider can get that information.

    Link at end, to not screw up the post:

  6. I like the format very much and look forward to your posts. Thank you! Keep up the good work.

  7. Guy,
    the last time I checked, J. Tuomas Harviainen (who is not me) was providing summaries of Finnish RPG-related academic papers.

  8. I know he is.

    But that's the best we've got.

  9. I've very much enjoyed this blog for the last several months. I think it fills an important place in the theory community, and has always been handled with such even-handedness and reporter-grade neutrality that I've occasionally been shocked by it. (In a good way.)

    The trend spotting and literature reviews are good ideas. I'd also be interested in occasional crossover bits (like twice a year maybe) to related fields -- like links to discussions/essays about computer or board game design, creative journaling, or online RP works that have good crossover potential.
