Friday, January 05, 2007

Yearly Review 2006: Lists - Part Two

Influential Theory Developments:

1) Push and Pull

Highlights: Introduction (Moyra Turkington), In Resolution (Vincent Baker), Moments of Crisis (Bradley "Brand" Robins)

2) Story Blindness

Highlights: Brain Damage (Ron Edwards)

3) Unsafe

Highlights: Design What Matters/Doesn't Matter (Joshua BishopRoby), Flinching (Vincent Baker), Dangerous versus Unsafe (Ben Lehman)

4) Month of Immersion

Highlights: Unfiltered Mental Activity (Thomas Robertson), Visceral Immersion (Fred Wolke), Literary Immersion
(Moyra Turkington)

5) Theory of Setting

Highlights: Setting Matters, Aspects of Setting (all Troy Costisick)

1 comment:

  1. Calling the braindamage discussion a highlight is surely either a sign of a most neutral point of view or excellent sarcasm.
