Saturday, January 03, 2009

Editorial: Returning

For a variety of reasons, some more personal than others, I've been unable to continue RPG Theory Review through last year. However, I've decided not to let that be the end of things.

The time off has let me re-examine some of my goals and methods in RPG Theory Review. I realized that the focus had become too much on the weekly blurbs, taking a sizable amount of effort with often very little show for it. They took time from looking at less transient incarnations of theory, and at the same time I never felt they delved deeply enough to do justice the those theory ideas which arose.

In view of that, I'm happy to announce that RPG Theory Review is returning this year, with some important changes. First, I'll be focusing on literature reviews (specific games, books, and the like and their import in RPG theory) and spotlight reviews where I delve more deeply into specific topics of current interest. Fleshing this out will be monthly reviews with reader contributed focus.

In addition, I'll be continuing the tradition of editorials on the practice of RPG theory and expanding into what I'm calling sandbox articles which will talk about some of my explorations in the frontiers of RPG theory.

As always this will be something of an experiment, but I'm hoping RPG Theory Review will continue to be enjoyable and informative. And most of all that I can help improve our understanding of the thought and play of RPGs.


  1. Anonymous15/1/09 13:14

    I for one was very pleased with the previous format, not to say that change can't be good.

    Getting a collection of links, archived somewhere, with a short description to let me know when I want to read further was quite nice.
    I guess the best thing for me would be a continuation of weekly and/or monthly, and every so often an Editorial Review sort of thing where you look at the evolution of a topic, even throughout most of a decade.

    Good luck, and I'll be watching!

    P.S. I won't lie, it warmed my heart when I was mentioned here :)

    1. I just discovered this site and I really liked the weekly reviews.

  2. Anonymous21/1/09 19:07

    Yeah! for being back!

  3. It's great that you are back.
