Saturday, January 03, 2009

January 2008 - Theory Developments of Note

Comment here with a link and sentence or two description of theory developments you see on blogs or forums. It doesn't have to be pure theory, but these developments ought to deal with how and why we play RPGs in some generality.

I'll be adding comments here too, but without your help, I'm sure I'll miss something.


  1. Anonymous16/1/09 14:08

    I found your site listed at a squidoo list of rpg theory sites. I'm glad I came by to take a look. I really enjoy content like this and discussions in this vein. I'm an rpg designer, among other things, and write in this area off and on. When I'm out from under my present book deadline I will be writing some essays specifically on rpg theory. I'll let you know when they're available, and you're welcome to share them here if you find them of use.

    Looking forward to reading more here, and by the way, I just plugged you on my site in a post about RPG theory. You can see that post here:


    aka Deborah Teramis Christian
    SF/Fantasy novelist & game designer

  2. Hi Mendel,

    Well, we do a lot of talking about what makes for good story in RPGs and are working towards creating more literary quality worlds for ourselves and our friends. Nothing formal, but the discussions have been interesting. Not sure if this qualifies for what you're looking for but you're welcome to take a look:

  3. Over at Cultures of Play are two discussions on Story, Art, and RPGs. The first is about structure and story, and the differences between front-loaded and emergent structure in particular. In the later the social and cultural aspects of art are examined in terms of how RPGs are treated, both by culture as a whole and by those who play.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Hey, cool blog! Are you ever going to update it? I do a web series on Youtube called The RPG Fanatic where I make videos about all things RPG. You should check out my blog if you have a chance

  6. I very much enjoyed this blog. Hope you will check out my own site, RPG Fanatic Game Reviews Wiki
